三次元移送机械手 特性: RF系列机械手产品,提拱多种解决方案:双杆式和单杆式,适应多种冲压自动化需求,随着产品模块系列不断完善,可提拱适应多品种小批量市场需求转变的系列化、模块化、组合化柔性解决方案,将使金属薄板成型生产越来越高效率、低成本、柔性化,面向客户的需求不断提高产品的生命力。 THREE DIMENSIONAL TRANSFERRING MECHANICAL ARM Features And ConstructionBased on our core competence Quickly developing platform,as product module series compete unceasing. We can provide automatic solution on stamping manufacture,and also provide series,modularity and modularization solution to meet make demand transform to small quantities to achieve target of supplying customer high efficiency,low cost&flexibility products.